NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Just Won the COVID “Hypocrite of the Year” Award
New York City Mayor dancing with his wife in a nearly empty Times Square earned him a ton of criticism, including a slam from a CNN’s coverage.
Before we launch into 2021 at warp speed and put the past year into the 2020 hurt locker, let us pause and reflect on the cringeworthy display that was New York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s New Year’s Eve “celebration.”
The mayor made a big show of ordering New Yorkers not to gather at Times Square for the annual ball drop.
Now, it must be said that it’s possible that Bill de Blasio and Chirlane McCray, the only New York City first lady to somehow misplace upwards of $900,000,000 in taxpayer money, thought their display on New Year’s Eve would be a boon to the NYC hostages locked down in their rent-controlled boxes. It’s possible.
It’s possible they thought, “We’ll dance to remind you people that better times are ahead! See how much fun we’re having in the crisp, fresh air of New York City while we’ve ordered you to stay away?”
You can imagine the mayor and his co-mayor saying to themselves, when a staffer brought up the idea of dancing at the nearly empty Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration, “Yeah, that’s a great idea! They’re gonna love us!”
Instead, Bill de Blasio’s New Year’s Eve dance in Times Square was his latest French Laundry incident – he’s had several. That it was done badly completed the pitiable tableau.
Even Bravo TV’s Andy Cohen was aghast. Cohen co-hosted the CNN New Year’s Eve countdown with Anderson Cooper, who boozily said, as Cooper choked on a powerful shot of alcohol, “That’s how I felt when I saw Mayor de Blasio dancing just now! I just don’t need to see that at the beginning of 2021! Do something with this city! Honestly, get it together!”
New York has lost hundreds of thousands of citizens to other states, mostly Florida, because of the draconian lockdowns, which have done nothing to curb the coronavirus outbreaks. De Blasio has flouted his own rules, such as going to the gym and going 11 miles from his taxpayer-provided home, which is in a park, to walk in a Brooklyn park after telling everyone else to stay home.
As Twitter user “Catturd” noted, it was a “Perfect example of socialism – City is shutdown except for the people shutting it down.”
De Blasio and his wife stayed for the J-Lo entertainment, just like the little people watching at home.
By Victoria Taft

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