Alberta, Canada Premier Rejects “The Great Reset”!
Jason Kenney Shows Real Leadership Rejecting Klaus Schwab’s New World Order & Explains What He Believes It Represents.
In the video Alberta Premier, Jason Kenney, shares his thoughts and opinions on the World Economic Forum’s “The Great Reset.” He believes it represents a power grab for the global elite who are taking advantage of the COVID crises.
Are problems created by those who want to propose the solution? Do naturally occurring issues become hi-jacked to implement greater measures of control? Are we living through an epidemic of control?
Throughout history global chaos has always been used as a precursor to big change on our planet.
Sometimes many of these changes are done under the guise of good will, where the initiators of these measures claim they are doing it for humanities best interests. We saw this, for example, when NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden exposed the extent of surveillance that’s conducted by the U.S. government, measures put in place that are supposedly for our protection. Snowden has recently expressed his opinion that COVID-19 is being used by governments to grab even more power and take away many of our basic rights and freedoms. This seems to be a common theme also expressed by many when it comes to what’s called “The Great Reset.”
What is “The Great Reset?” It’s an initiative that’s been started by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The House of Windsor, and the UN are prime executive co-producers. It was the title of a book that was published by WEF founder Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret earlier this year. Top sponsors include BP, Mastercard and Microsoft. According to them, “There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis. To improve the state of the world, the World Economic Forum is starting The Great Reset initiative.”
Jason Kenney shows real leadership and courage to stand up against the Orwellian “Great Reset” communist media and government. Thank goodness there is a voice of reason that represents the people and supports small business.

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