Numbers revealed in Pennsylvania prove to be borderline impossible and not just improbable
Audible Gasps and Laughter From Crowd and Panel at PA Hearing When Witness Says Vote “Spikes” Went Nearly 600,000 For Biden and 3,200 For Trump.

Some big numbers are being tossed about in the election within the state of Pennsylvania. For one thing, the state sent out 1.8 million mail-in ballots but they counted 2.5 million. That makes 700,000 votes that must be illigitimate.
The most recent number that has been exposed, caused the audience to gasp when they heard it.
In one series of votes, the total tally was 603,200. Biden got 600,000 votes to just 3,200 for Trump. That’s virtually impossible according to many experts.
That number was revealed at a meeting in Pennsylvania on the possible voter fraud in the recent election. When it was said, there was an audible gasp from those watching the proceeding.
On election night, President Trump led by almost 700,000 votes but somehow the Democrats came up with over 1 million votes for Biden after election night.
They halted the counting of votes and when they began again in a couple of hours, they suddenly had a huge number of votes to put Biden in the lead.
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh counted the massive ballot dumps for Joe Biden without allowing GOP observers to look at the ballots.
On Wednesday a witness described the huge “spikes” in Pennsylvania during the hearing and the crowd gasped.
“Normally you would see a smooth curve going up, not any big spikes…that’s what [the other witness] was talking about, the anomalies of loading and uploading those votes so that big spike that occurs there is a prime indicator of fraudulent voting,” the witness said.
“And that’s 604,000 votes in 90 minutes? Is that right?” Giuliani said to the witness.
“Correct. This is 337,000 votes in that period of time,” the witness said.
“When you look at this curve with all of these spikes, can you calculate how much of a vote that accounted for Biden and how much for Trump?” Giuliani said.
“Close to 600,000…”I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand.”
@RudyGiuliani : Of the 600K votes added during curious “spikes” in PA, how many went to Biden? Witness: “I think our figures were about 570-some-odd-thousand.” “And how much for Trump? Witness: “I think it was a little over 3,200.” *crowd erupts in gasps, laughter*
A judge has halted the certification of the vote in Pennsylvania so that the President’s lawyers can present the case for a crooked election. Let’s face it, the numbers are not realistic and the 700,000 extra mail in ballots are enough to reverse the outcome of the election.
By Cristina Laila

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